Class SimpleVerifier

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SimpleVerifier extends BasicVerifier
An extended BasicVerifier that performs more precise verifications. This verifier computes exact class types, instead of using a single "object reference" type (as done in BasicVerifier).
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleVerifier

      public SimpleVerifier()
      Constructs a new SimpleVerifier. Subclasses must not use this constructor. Instead, they must use the SimpleVerifier(int, Type, Type, List, boolean) version.
    • SimpleVerifier

      public SimpleVerifier(Type currentClass, Type currentSuperClass, boolean isInterface)
      Constructs a new SimpleVerifier to verify a specific class. This class will not be loaded into the JVM since it may be incorrect. Subclasses must not use this constructor. Instead, they must use the SimpleVerifier(int, Type, Type, List, boolean) version.
      currentClass - the type of the class to be verified.
      currentSuperClass - the type of the super class of the class to be verified.
      isInterface - whether the class to be verifier is an interface.
    • SimpleVerifier

      public SimpleVerifier(Type currentClass, Type currentSuperClass, List<Type> currentClassInterfaces, boolean isInterface)
      Constructs a new SimpleVerifier to verify a specific class. This class will not be loaded into the JVM since it may be incorrect. Subclasses must not use this constructor. Instead, they must use the SimpleVerifier(int, Type, Type, List, boolean) version.
      currentClass - the type of the class to be verified.
      currentSuperClass - the type of the super class of the class to be verified.
      currentClassInterfaces - the types of the interfaces directly implemented by the class to be verified.
      isInterface - whether the class to be verifier is an interface.
    • SimpleVerifier

      protected SimpleVerifier(int api, Type currentClass, Type currentSuperClass, List<Type> currentClassInterfaces, boolean isInterface)
      Constructs a new SimpleVerifier to verify a specific class. This class will not be loaded into the JVM since it may be incorrect.
      api - the ASM API version supported by this verifier. Must be one of the ASMx values in Opcodes.
      currentClass - the type of the class to be verified.
      currentSuperClass - the type of the super class of the class to be verified.
      currentClassInterfaces - the types of the interfaces directly implemented by the class to be verified.
      isInterface - whether the class to be verifier is an interface.
  • Method Details

    • setClassLoader

      public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader loader)
      Sets the ClassLoader to be used in getClass(org.objectweb.asm.Type).
      loader - the ClassLoader to use.
    • newValue

      public BasicValue newValue(Type type)
      Description copied from class: Interpreter
      Creates a new value that represents the given type.

      Called for method parameters (including this), exception handler variable and with null type for variables reserved by long and double types.

      An interpreter may choose to implement one or more of Interpreter.newReturnTypeValue(Type), Interpreter.newParameterValue(boolean, int, Type), Interpreter.newEmptyValue(int), Interpreter.newExceptionValue(TryCatchBlockNode, Frame, Type) to distinguish different types of new value.

      newValue in class BasicInterpreter
      type - a primitive or reference type, or null to represent an uninitialized value.
      a value that represents the given type. The size of the returned value must be equal to the size of the given type.
    • isArrayValue

      protected boolean isArrayValue(BasicValue value)
      Description copied from class: BasicVerifier
      Returns whether the given value corresponds to an array reference.
      isArrayValue in class BasicVerifier
      value - a value.
      whether 'value' corresponds to an array reference.
    • getElementValue

      protected BasicValue getElementValue(BasicValue objectArrayValue) throws AnalyzerException
      Description copied from class: BasicVerifier
      Returns the value corresponding to the type of the elements of the given array reference value.
      getElementValue in class BasicVerifier
      objectArrayValue - a value corresponding to array of object (or array) references.
      the value corresponding to the type of the elements of 'objectArrayValue'.
      AnalyzerException - if objectArrayValue does not correspond to an array type.
    • isSubTypeOf

      protected boolean isSubTypeOf(BasicValue value, BasicValue expected)
      Description copied from class: BasicVerifier
      Returns whether the type corresponding to the first argument is a subtype of the type corresponding to the second argument.
      isSubTypeOf in class BasicVerifier
      value - a value.
      expected - another value.
      whether the type corresponding to 'value' is a subtype of the type corresponding to 'expected'.
    • merge

      public BasicValue merge(BasicValue value1, BasicValue value2)
      Description copied from class: Interpreter
      Merges two values. The merge operation must return a value that represents both values (for instance, if the two values are two types, the merged value must be a common super type of the two types. If the two values are integer intervals, the merged value must be an interval that contains the previous ones. Likewise for other types of values).
      merge in class BasicInterpreter
      value1 - a value.
      value2 - another value.
      the merged value. If the merged value is equal to value1, this method must return value1.
    • isInterface

      protected boolean isInterface(Type type)
      Returns whether the given type corresponds to the type of an interface. The default implementation of this method loads the class and uses the reflection API to return its result (unless the given type corresponds to the class being verified).
      type - a type.
      whether 'type' corresponds to an interface.
    • getSuperClass

      protected Type getSuperClass(Type type)
      Returns the type corresponding to the super class of the given type. The default implementation of this method loads the class and uses the reflection API to return its result (unless the given type corresponds to the class being verified).
      type - a type.
      the type corresponding to the super class of 'type'.
    • isAssignableFrom

      protected boolean isAssignableFrom(Type type1, Type type2)
      Returns whether the class corresponding to the first argument is either the same as, or is a superclass or superinterface of the class corresponding to the second argument. The default implementation of this method loads the classes and uses the reflection API to return its result (unless the result can be computed from the class being verified, and the types of its super classes and implemented interfaces).
      type1 - a type.
      type2 - another type.
      whether the class corresponding to 'type1' is either the same as, or is a superclass or superinterface of the class corresponding to 'type2'.
    • getClass

      protected Class<?> getClass(Type type)
      Loads the class corresponding to the given type. The class is loaded with the class loader specified with setClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader), or with the class loader of this class if no class loader was specified.
      type - a type.
      the class corresponding to 'type'.