ASM Performance Benchmarks

Each chart shows either the number of "operations" per second that can be performed by several versions of ASM and other libraries (the larger the better), or the number of memory bytes used by one operation (the smaller the better). The definition of an "operation" depends on the benchmark, and is given below for each benchmark. The "few dozen classes" mentioned below are the same for all benchmarks.

This page is generated automatically from the results of the JMH ASM benchmarks.


One operation = create a ClassReader and call getAccess(), getClassName(), getSuperName(), and getInterfaces() on it, for a few dozen classes.

0 20000 ops/s


One operation = create a ClassReader and a ClassNode from it, for a few dozen classes.

0 500 ops/s


One operation = create a ClassReader and make a ClassWriter with the COMPUTE_FRAMES option visit and serialize it, for a few dozen classes.

0 200 ops/s


One operation = create a ClassReader and make a ClassWriter with the COMPUTE_MAXS option visit and serialize it (or the equivalent for the other libraries), for a few dozen classes.

0 500 ops/s


One operation = create a ClassReader and make a ClassWriter with the "copy constant pool" optimization visit and serialize it, for a few dozen classes.

0 1000 ops/s


One operation = create a ClassReader and make a ClassWriter visit and serialize it, via a ClassNode, for a few dozen classes.

0 500 ops/s


One operation = create a ClassReader and make a ClassWriter visit and serialize it (or the equivalent for the other libraries), for a few dozen classes.

0 500 ops/s

One operation = create a ClassReader and make an empty visitor visit it, for a few dozen classes.

0 1000 ops/s


One operation = create a ClassReader and call getAccess(), getClassName(), getSuperName(), and getInterfaces() on it, for 36 classes using Java 8 features (including invokedynamic instructions).

0 50000 ops/s


One operation = create a ClassReader and make a ClassWriter with the "copy constant pool" optimization visit and serialize it, for 36 classes using Java 8 features (including invokedynamic instructions).

0 2000 ops/s


One operation = create a ClassReader and make a ClassWriter visit and serialize it (or the equivalent for the other libraries), for 36 classes using Java 8 features (including invokedynamic instructions).

0 1000 ops/s

One operation = create a ClassReader and make an empty visitor visit it, for 36 classes using Java 8 features (including invokedynamic instructions).

0 2000 ops/s


One operation = generate a HelloWorld class in byte array form.

0 1000000 ops/s


One operation = create, populate and store a ClassNode for a few dozen classes.

0 5 MB


One operation = create, populate and store a ClassWriter for a few dozen classes.

0 2 MB